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Please follow the below instructions to send us your artwork:

  • Visit
  • Click "Add File" and upload a high resolution, print-ready PDF
  • Under "Friends Email", insert
  • Enter your email
  • Under "Message", please provide: You name, name of the file, product purchased, and date you need the product by.

    A Representative will be in touch to confirm your order and provide a proof.


    Both MAC and PC formats are acceptable.

    For your protection, a full color - For Position Only - (FPO) print, .PDF, .GIF or .JPG file should be supplied with every print order. The FPO image is used ONLY for image position. This does not need to be a high resolution image. Without the FPO image, we cannot be responsible for font substitution, word wrap change, object repositioning, etc. Please reference the file name, final image size and any PMS color specifications.

    All files must be ready for output.

    Any special instructions must be provided in writing and clearly marked on FPO print. Note: Any changes and/or file manipulation will incur additional costs and delay production of your project.

    Contact for rates on these services.

    We currently accept files in the following formats:

    • Generic file formats are: .PDF, .EPS, .TIF and .JPG
    • Adobe Illustrator, versions 7 through CS3 (convert ALL text to outlines). If bitmap images are embedded, we cannot color correct the images independently.
    • Adobe PhotoShop CS3 (flattened image).
    • Indesign. Remember to include all Links and Fonts or Convert to outlines.
    • If you are unable to convert your text to objects, you MUST includes all fonts used in your layout (Screen and Printer).


    Proofs, when requested, will be shipped within 48 hours of receipt of FINAL (ready to print) files. 3-4 working days are required for production.


    Artwork created by Red Exhibits must be approved prior to printing.

    Create all files at 100%, whenever possible. If it is necessary to reduce the layout size, scale at either 50% or 25% of final output size.

    Bitmap file resolution should be 150 DPI at the final print size. Lower resolutions may be used, but will sacrifice image quality.

    Photo images (bitmapped or raster images) should be at minimum 300 dpi at final output size. Images must be saved in CMYK EPS format.

      Provide all support files, raster image files (PhotoShop, EPS or TIFF), Vector files (Illustrator EPS, Corel EDITABLE EPS), NO BITMAP images (.JPEG, .BMP)

      Convert all fonts & text to curves or outline, where applicable. Provide all fonts, both printer & screen fonts on disk or ftp with art.

      Final output file must have all vector art (logos, text, Illustrator, Corel files) placed into a page layout program (such as QuarkXpress or Adobe Illustrator or Freehand).


      * NOTE: Large format printers are not Pantone� devices. Colors will be close, but not exact. Please provide color proofs indicating the critical colors to match. If a print proof is requested for color verification, it is billed at $50 each (non-discountable).

      When color is critical, supply PANTONE color reference numbers. If a PANTONE number is not available, an accurate color print is essential. Without this reference material, accurate color match is impossible.

      Vinyl, Dimensional & Pierce-cut Graphics


      1. All artwork must be saved in a PC format.
      2. All files must be ready for output.
      3. Include a print of each file indicating file name, size and PMS color specifications.

      * NOTE: Additional charges will be incurred for file corrections and manipulation. for rates.


      1. All images must be two-dimensional.
      2. Digital images and text must be outlines converted to paths or curves.
      3. Saved files in BOTH an EPS format and as a native file to Adobe Illustrator (.ai) (Sometimes one file format produces better results than the other.)


      If you are supplying us with electronic files, we accept most standard files in both Macintosh and PC formats. These can be sent to us on CD or DVD ROM's or uploaded to our FTP site. We can also help you with the design and creation of your images, just give us any transparencies, photographs, logos, your concept and let us put it together for you.

      FILES: Ensure all files are properly named and updated in all layouts and filenames have the correct file extension name (ie: .eps / .tif / .ai / ...etc.).

      COLOR: When possible supply us with PANTONE color numbers. Where color matching is important, an accurate color hardcopy proof is helpful.

      PHOTOSHOP: All files should be final size at minimum 150dpi resolution, leave files in layers when feasible.

      LOGOS: Supply all logos and illustrated graphics in VECTOR format whenever possible.

      ILLUSTRATOR: Link files as apposed to embedding them and convert strokes to outlines, save in Illustrator .ai format.

      PROOFS: Provide an accurate fully updated hardcopy proof for each layout. For FTP uploads include a PDF for each layout.

      FONTS: Includes all fonts used in your layout (Screen and Printer).


      We believe that a good design blends creativity with clarity to make your message both effective and memorable.


      Picture perfect every time. Red Exhibits produces unparalleled richness and trueness of color using the latest large format printers on the market and top-of-the-line heat transfer technology. Our patented color matching profiles have been custom developed to deliver accurate, vibrant color for both inkjet and dye sub print processes.


      The final touches for an outstanding display. Red Exhibits offers a full range of finishing services including laminating, sewing, grommetting, webbing and more. Our highly trained, professional finishers can provide custom solutions for the most demanding projects.